Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Adolf Hitler Racist?!? NO WAY!

In class we read Mein Kampf (or however you spell that), a book written by Adolf Hitler which was chock full of different fallacies. Fallacies are deceptive and misleading false beliefs, and as you can probably recall Hitler was very good at presenting fallacies to convince others to follow him. Many different types of fallacies emerge in the segment of Mein Kampf that we read today. Throughout the text, he mentions Mother Nature and her plan, and those that go against her plan that must be swept from the world. However, that would be an example of the fallacy of Faulty Use of Authority, which is the attempt to add credibility to a claim by citing opinions, or in this case making them up, of supposed experts. Through Hitler's deceptiveness and his ability to convince many of those who listen to him he was able to lead what he supposed a great revolution. In the case with Mother Nature, he does not refer to Mother Nature herself, but he is actually basing all his arguments off his own beliefs and just saying that it is the law of the creator that what he is doing is right. Hitler's book is very degrading for those that read it, unless of course you were in the class that Hitler appointed to be the top. Just by reading the small portion that we read got me mad because of all the things that Hitler pointed out about other races, how "nature's laws" allows him to exterminate other races and what not. Whatever, all I know is that I NEED SLEEP! XD

Are We Intelligently Designed? 0.o

The topic of evolution is a much debated topic between scientists and priests, and has been for a long time. One side says that we were all designed and created by a higher being, this side being the religious side and the higher being being God. There are various theories brought up by scientists, among them the Big Bang theory where there was a huge explosion and everything suddenly appeared from that. Opposing this theory would be Genesis, where God created the universe and man and woman and all that good stuff. However, there are some theories that what some scientific theories state are true, but underlying all the evidence they claim that God made the most basic building block in life. Intelligent Design would be the middle ground, the mean between the two extremes. (See that philosophy right there Mr. Basinger? ;)) Because Intelligent Design is a combination of both science and religion, there are many that approve of it but many that disagree with it at the same time. For me, I'm on the fence again with this subject. I am religious, but I really don't see the point in arguing about this kind of stuff. Let bygones be bygones because I'm just lazy like that. XD However, there are scenarios in which this could apply. In class, we talked about a watch just sitting in a field. What would the explanation be for that appearance?